A different kind of women’s pelvic health experience.

You have earned the right to feel good in your body after giving birth and always. Get accessible and personalized core and pelvic floor therapy from the comfort of your home.

The Core Confidence Approach

I have a passion for empowering women to understand, connect, and feel proud of their bodies, especially during the pregnancy and postpartum periods. Core Confidence specializes in chronic pelvic pain disorders as well as bladder, bowel, and sexual health. As your pelvic floor therapist, I provide you with individualized and practical ways to improve symptoms and provide unwavering support throughout the process. I operate under the belief that your body holds the power and I simply provide the tools to trust and heal your body. Let me help you find your core confidence in this vulnerable and constantly changing stage of life so you can get back to doing the things you love, and loving the skin you’re in.

You are the driver, but we are in this together.

“Having faced these physical challenges in my own life, I understand. I get you. There is light at the end of the tunnel.”

-JULIE (mom, wife, owner of Core Confidence)

People often come to me when the kegels didn’t work. Google searches stopped being helpful. It didn’t ‘just take time’ for symptoms to improve. They refused to accept that pelvic floor issues are inevitable after childbirth and wanted to get ahead of the game. Conditions we treat include:

  • Leaking urine when you sneeze, jump, laugh

  • Having to urinate frequently or urgently

  • Pelvic heaviness, pelvic organ prolapse

  • Pain with penetration

  • Change in ability to orgasm

  • Constant back pain

  • Pelvic girdle pain/pubic symphysis dysfunction

  • Scar management (cesarean or perineum)

  • Core dysfunction (feeling of weakness, mommy pouch)

  • Diastasis Recti Abdominis (abdominal separation)

When can you help me?

In Pregnancy

The early days

The early years

Throughout the lifespan

Providing you with a safe space to be heard and be guided.

Virtual and in-home visits available. Receive customized pelvic floor therapy in Westminster as well as other parts of Carroll County and Baltimore County. Outside of these areas but needing services? Reach out! Accepting appointments in other areas on a case by case basis. Telehealth is also a great place to start.

Not sure if pelvic health is right for you?